Halloween Kills (2021)

Serving as the 2nd installment to the planned new Halloween trilogy, beginning with Halloween (2018) which acted as a follow up to the original Halloween back in 1978. The story picks up straight after the events of the prior film, with Micheal Myers being trapped inside Laurie,s burning home and Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis), Karen … Continue reading Halloween Kills (2021)

The Last Duel (2021)

Director Ridley Scott returns to the historical epic after his work on Gladiator (2000), Kingdom Of Heaven (2005) and Robin Hood (2010). This time based on a book by the same name written by Eric Jager. Taking place within medieval France, the story focuses around our three main characters Jean De Carrouges (Matt Damon), Jacques … Continue reading The Last Duel (2021)

Old (2021)

The Fourteenth film in the career of director M Night Shyamalan who has made some excellence like The Sixth Sence (1999) Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016). While he has also made bad things The Happening (2008) The Last Airbender (2010) and After Earth (2013). Where does Old fall in his cinematic career?. Based on a … Continue reading Old (2021)